
A mortgage capacity report is a critical tool for anyone considering buying a home, especially when it comes to understanding your borrowing potential. It essentially gives an insight into how much a lender might be prepared to lend based on your income, outgoings and other financial commitments. This document can also be useful when navigating divorce proceedings, as it can provide a clear picture of an individual’s ability to maintain existing mortgage payments, or secure a new mortgage.

What is a Mortgage Capacity Report?

A mortgage capacity report is a comprehensive document that assesses an individual’s ability to afford a mortgage. It takes into account various factors such as income, expenses, credit history, as well as future financial commitments. The report is usually prepared by a financial advisor or a mortgage broker to help provide a realistic view of what an individual can afford to borrow. This is particularly important in ensuring that homebuyers do not overstretch themselves financially and end up in a situation where they cannot afford to make their mortgage repayments.

The Role of Mortgage Capacity Report in Divorce Proceedings

During a divorce, a mortgage capacity report can become an essential tool. It helps to determine how much each party can afford to borrow, which can greatly influence the division of assets. For instance, if one party wishes to retain the family home, a mortgage capacity report can give a clear indication of whether this would be financially viable. The report helps to ensure that all financial settlements are fair and realistic, taking into account each person’s ability to maintain mortgage payments.

How to Obtain a Mortgage Capacity Report?

Securing a mortgage capacity report is generally straightforward. It can be obtained from a mortgage broker or a financial advisor who specializes in mortgages. They will require detailed information about your income, expenses, credit history, and any other financial commitments. It is important to provide accurate and complete information to ensure that the report is a true reflection of your borrowing capacity.


A mortgage capacity report is an essential tool for anyone considering buying a home or going through a divorce. It provides a clear and comprehensive overview of an individual’s financial situation, which in turn can help to prevent any potential financial difficulties in the future. By understanding your mortgage capacity, you can make informed decisions about your financial future, ensuring that any mortgage you take on is affordable and sustainable in the long term.